Learn more about our specific certifications and qualifications that have lead us to where we are today. In addition to utilizing our unique skills and training to assist the collective, we also love to explore new hobbies! For instance, we offer a variety of handmade gifts and products that can be found in our Soul Guides Shop.

Ashlyn’s Education & Training

  • BA Creative Marketing, Minor Business Administration: NDSU, 2018
  • Lifestyle Coaching & Online Instructor: 2 years with RRR247
  • Reading Material on Trauma, Wellness, & Relationships: 30+ Books, Courses & Audio

Personal Skills & Experience

  • Behavior Therapy Specialist: 2 years & ongoing with Centria Healthcare; works with client’s & their families to assist with personal/professional advancement, social skills, and enhanced quality of life
  • Lifestyle & Success Coaching: 2 years with RRR247; helping students with life transitions & achieving personal and financial liberation
  • Practices: Qigong, yoga, breath work, meditation & energy training with online & in-person practitioners; 5 years & ongoing
  • Talents & Skills: creative writing, art, online marketing, digital design & editing; 10 years & ongoing

Ashlyn's Story

Ashlyn graduated in 2018 with a BA in Creative Marketing & Business. While working in the customer service industry for over 10 years, a series of traumatic events lead to a major turning point in her life. One that lead to the foundation of Soul Guides, a vision for inspiring healing on a personal and collective scale.

She now devotes her time assisting others through Behavioral Therapy techniques, working closely with a wide variety of client’s and their families. In addition, Ashlyn practices daily energy work – yoga, qigong, & meditation – that began 5 years ago while studying 1,000’s of hours of material on the subject of Holistic Healing. As the co-owner of Soul Guides on Etsy, she has helped hundreds of customers worldwide. With the assistance of her twin sister, Alexis, guiding herself and others to a place of greater Soul freedom has become possible.