Guided Practices Personal Development

How to Start Getting Organized & Take Action on Your Goals

Beginning the journey to start getting organized is essential when it comes to accomplishing our goals in this lifetime. With so many options in the world it can be quite overwhelming to get started. So much so that we might lose the desire at all, yet the key is to just START SOMEWHERE…

So, Let’s Start!

Follow this step by step guide to start getting organized and live a fulfilling life that you actually look forward to!

Why is Getting Organized so Important?

Before we get started with the specific details on how to accomplish our organizational goals, it’s important to know our “why” behind it. This is so that we can discover the passion behind the practices that will give us the drive to keep moving forward.

Likewise, each individual is going to have unique reasons that inspire them to put in the time it takes.

Step 1: Know your “Why”

1. Let’s start by either writing or typing out a list of all of the things you can think of that bring you complete joy in your life.

2. Next, in 3-5 sentences explain how it would make you feel to be able to spend more time pursuing these things.

  • Note: If you can’t think of anything at the moment just know that YOU are simply enough to be the “why.”

If we are going to obsess over anything it might as well be about something the propels us in the direction of our Dreams

Where to Start Getting Organized

Starting to get organized takes time each week and a lot of us do not want to put in the time to actually do this. Reward comes with sacrifice.

The good news is that if you have limited time and can only contribute a small amount on this per week, that is okay because that is enough!

It’s never too late to get started – be realistic with yourself about what you can still do now instead of dwelling on what you can’t. Discipline is what creates success.

Even just a small step a day will start to create momentum and your confidence will grow!

Step 2: Create some Goals

1. Come up with a list of short-term goals (for the current year) and then another list of long-term goals (things you would like to accomplish in your lifetime).

  • Note: these goals can be anything and write as many as you can think of! Go back to your list you created on the things in your life that bring you the most joy and use that as a guide for ideas.

It’s Time to Take Action

We all desire to lead fulfilling lives but it can be challenging to establish the momentum it takes to actually get things accomplished. This makes it easy to get caught up in overwhelm, procrastination or expectations; which can eventually lead to anxiety or depression.

In addition, we put our deepest desires to the side because we no longer have the confidence to take action. We also get really good at making excuses so that we don’t have to answer the calls of the soul.

As humans we oftentimes do this so that we don’t have to feel those ‘negative’ emotions anymore. Instead, we would rather push them away and get stuck in filling up our schedules with mindless activities vs. challenging ourselves.

start getting organized

The profound irony is that those ‘negative’ emotions won’t actually go away until we start to take the time to answer them. They will get stored in the body and could eventually turn into chronic disease.

To learn more about this and why it’s so important you can go here…

Let’s break this cycle together and start creating an action plan for success!

Step 3: Make a Plan

1. The clutter in our lives is oftentimes what creates the overwhelm. So, let’s start with making a broad list of the things that are currently creating the most clutter in your life.

  • MINIMALIZE: Think about the things that are causing you the most unease right now that keep popping up in your mind to get done.

2. Next, put these in chronological order from what you would like to accomplish first to last. Try to put smaller projects towards the top; this will help with gaining confidence in starting the larger tasks.

Things will change over time and that’s okay, but establishing consistency is essential in achieving our goals.

3. Now it’s time to get a calendar and place it somewhere that is visible every single day. Take the first thing on the list and add it to every single week for at least an hour.

  • This can be broken up into two separate days for 30 min. as well; or even 10-15 minutes a day…
  • If you have the time feel free to add more than one goal a week.
  • Try your best to complete the list in order and not go on to the next goal until you have completed the one before it!

Learning to Enjoy the Process

Now that we have a plan in place, learning to enjoy the process of organizing is necessary when it comes to keeping the momentum going…Eventually you will train your own success, which will be a motivation in and of itself.

Furthermore, Once you start to see your external space becoming more organized you will notice an internal shift as well. This will relieve stress and leave more room for creativity, play and confidence going into some of those larger goals.

There is always going to be a lot “to do,” the trick is learning how to balance our time & be intentional about our experiences

Step 4: Make it Enjoyable

start getting organized
  1. Break into Categories: Now lets start breaking up some of those long-term goal ideas into categories. These could include: travel destinations, financial /business goals, hobbies, date days, life skills or healthy habits etc.
  • Start to put your goal ideas under the categories you chose. I personally used to journal everything and just recently started to organize my information into Google Drive on my computer.
  • Once these are organized you can start to pull from your long-term goal categories in order to create your short-term yearly goal list.

2. Personalize your Life: Now that you are all organized let’s add a little personal touch. This could include adding fun fonts, pictures, colors and other details that make it feel more like you.

  • This is important because it rewires the brain to start getting excited to open your goals and take on new challenges.

3. Reward Yourself: Lastly, it’s very helpful to reward ourselves along the way. This could include treating yourself to something at the end of each successful week. – Don’t forget to add it to your calendar. 😉

  • Not only will this allow you to organize your spending habits but it will also give you something to look forward too!

In conclusion, this action plan can be applied to all of your short-term and long-term goals. Remember that the most important place to start is to JUST START and you will learn along the way.

If you don’t complete all of your goals in a week or a year that’s okay, just add them to the following if you want. Take it day by day, don’t take on too much at a time, consistency is key and keep it light & fun.


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