Personal Development Spirituality

How to Feel more Connected in Your Everyday Life

As a species we have an innate desire for intimacy and connection, but how do we feel more connected in our everyday lives? It has been proven through many scientific studies dating back hundreds of years that humans require social interaction and physical touch in order to survive.

Harry Harlow’s study on the nature of affection is a perfect example of this. Furthermore, we are wired with a longing to form relationships and this is as essential as our need for food, water, and shelter.

We are Energetic Beings

Everything in the Universe is made up of vibrational waves of energy that include matter with gravitational force. Likewise, we are all energy that is continuously moving, so it all “matters.” Even if we feel disconnected from others, we are always connected through energy that gravitates us towards one another.

In addition, the collective consciousness; shared beliefs that act as a unifying force within society, determines how we interact, perceive, respond, and feel about our world. We are all synced…So with that being said, if we are already connected through energy, how can we FEEL more connected?

How can we Create Deeper Connections?

As a species we have an innate desire for intimacy and connection, but how to feel more connected? It's not about "what" we do its about "how" we do it.

To continue, it’s the ideas behind our reality that create the feeling of unity. By establishing a more fulfilling relationship with ourselves we can feel a sense of internal safety that impacts our external world. The chakras are an example of a way to describe a foundation for our internal energy system.

We are all perfect reflections of each other. When we have balance in our lives involving work, relationships, and alone time, we feel more at peace. Likewise, creating a practice of self-love is essential for getting out of our comfort zones to connect deeper.

Tools to remember self-love

If we all have an innate desire for connection that means that we all crave love. This is a feeling from within meaning that love is a choice that is always an option. If someone else has the ability to give us love then we have the ability to give them love.

So essentially we are energetic beings that are full of love. When we do not feel love we have simply forgotten our strongest desire and deepest truth.

Everyone has their own secret recipe for success…Here are some tools to help you remember who you are: LOVE

⦁ Gratitude or Prayer Journal:

Keeping a journal provides a way for us to appreciate the small moments throughout the day. Also, this practice creates accountability and helps us to see the beauty in life amongst the chaos. Even thinking of one thing a day is a start. Example: “I am grateful for the air that I breathe each new day.”

Meditation and visualizations:

Making time for a moment of stillness with ourselves each day is the secret to discovering our inner presence. This can include slowing down our movements, breathe, or focusing our thoughts on something specific; like our heart beat. Here is an example of a short 5 minute guided meditation for you to get you started.


The words we say to ourselves are extremely important to how we feel about everything. We have the power to change this through reinforcement exercises. Repeating phrases such as: “I am enough,” “I trust the universe” or “this too shall pass” eventually rewires our brain to think differently. This takes an adjustment period of feeling genuine, so be patient with yourself.

Mindfulness Movements:

Learning to move with intention through awareness as well as touch with vulnerability is key. Any movement has the potential to create the feeling of connection and provide an emotional release of tension.

Practices like qigong, yoga or a hug are just a few ways we can incorporate mindful movement into our lives. Nonetheless, It’s not about “what” we do its about “how” we choose to do it.

⦁ Giving and Receiving:

Finding a balance with being the “giver” and the “receiver” in life can bring us joy. Furthermore, These two come hand in hand. As the giver we must step into our confidence as a leader. As the receiver we must surrender to the unknown. Both allow us to feel more love if we learn to release expectations and allow the energy to flow vs. letting fear control us.

Here is a practice that we created called “The Monthly Date Day Idea” that we have used to strengthen and find balance in our relationship. This method can be applied to anyone looking to cultivate deeper connections in their lives.

Spending time in nature:

When we are “outside” we feel better on the “inside.” This is because nature is our most natural home and is life itself. Even just a short stroll can help us to remember our connection with plants and animals. Spending a little time studying our ancestral roots and how they used nature to heal is also a great resource.

In conclusion, we are energetic beings who deeply desire connection with ourselves so that we can feel more connected with others through love. These practices are designed to create a new pathway to healing. They require accountability and discipline, just like any other skill.

The collective consciousness has the power to feel more connected internally through change and shift perspectives on a global level. Eventually this will become a natural part of how we choose to live every day by bringing us back to who we truly are, the source of love.

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