Guided Practices Relationships

The Fun & Vulnerable Date Challenge

The “Fun & Vulnerable Date Challenge” is a bonding experience that is meant to be practiced with another person. Whether that be a family member, friend, sibling, significant other or all of the above, it’s definitely worth a try! Get your game face on while also preparing to be vulnerable…

Preparing for the Challenge & How it works…

So, this challenge will begin with choosing a series of Games. Depending on how long you predict each Game will last, I would start with 6. These will either be selected together as a team or by the “Giver” if you are doing this as a part of our wonderful “Monthly Date Day Idea.”

The Games should be something that each partner enjoys or is something of equal skill level. I suggest starting with the familiar easy games and then working your way up to the more challenging ones.

The next part of the challenge includes choosing a set of Dares. Each partner will write out a “Dare” for every Game that the person who lost the challenge has to pick from and complete. So in this case, each person would write 6 Dares on small pieces of paper that they would like to see their partner do.

You can also play the “Truth” version or a combination of both if you would rather ask a set of questions instead. Lastly, You can play all of the games first and then complete the Truth & Dares afterwards or do them as you complete each game. Check out these examples below.

Examples of Games for Inside the Home

These games are examples of unique ideas that usually work best inside the comfort of your home. Of course they can also be accomplished out in public if you would like to make it even more exciting. If you don’t prefer any of these, board games are always an option!

  • Eye Gazing, Breathe Hold or Balancing Contest: The first person to blink or look away loses. The person who can hold their breathe the longest wins & whoever falls over while balancing loses the round. These can be separate challenges or done all at the same time!
  • Guess the Scent, Touch, Sound or Taste: One person wears a blindfold or closes their eyes and guesses the sensation that the other person presents them with.
  • Hide an Object: Each person hides something that they show the other person beforehand; Whoever finds their partners item first wins.
  • Find your Partner in the Dark: Each person is blindfolded and starts at opposite sides of the space; Whoever finds and touches their partner first without looking wins. Make sure to clear anything you could step on out of the way and be somewhat cautious.

Examples of Games for Outside the Home

These are examples of ideas that usually work best outside of the home. They can also be accomplished inside of the home if you have the right equipment.

  • Play a sport or activity that you both enjoy: This can be anything like playing pool, darts, tennis, air hockey, bad mitten, shuffle board or all of the above!
  • Pick out your partners outfit or switch clothes with them for the entire Challenge: Both people must wear this for the entire duration of the challenge or they lose a round.

Examples of Truths & Dares

Before writing these out make sure to set some boundaries with your partner if needed. As a good rule of thumb, don’t choose things for the other person that you would NEVER dare to do or say out loud. We want to challenge our comfort zones and become braver in our relationships not more afraid.

  • Truths: “what is your deepest desire in life?” “What is your favorite thing about me?” “What is something you think about often?” “Who and where do you aspire to be in 5 years?” “Do you have any forgotten passions?” “If you could do anything with me what would it be?” “What is something you have never told anyone?” “What is your secret fantasy?”
  • Dares: perform a dance to your partners choice of song, write a letter to your partner and read it out loud, give a massage, draw your partner, sing a song or yell “I love (your partners name!)” outside for the world to hear.

If you try this challenge with an intimate partner this is also a great way to spice things up together. 😉

How does Vulnerability come into Play?

Vulnerability comes into play during this challenge because we are faced with trying new things together. Oftentimes facing the unknown can be a little intimidating because it is unfamiliar…

I would highly recommend checking out my post on “What Does Being Vulnerable Mean to You?” to get a better understanding of how this word can often be misperceived in our society. When we get to the Truth & Dares part of this challenge we are putting our trust into our partner that they will provide a safe space for expression.

Likewise, If we were not taught how to feel safe expressing ourselves in adolescence then we have the ability to practice now! “The Fun & Vulnerable Date Challenge” provides an opportunity to be a kid again with someone you love. When my boyfriend and I tried this out together he totally whooped my butt at all the challenges…

Although we had a lot of fun, I was definitely not expecting this. I had some pretty awesome Dares picked out for him that I really wanted him to do! Despite my defeat in the challenges he decided to pick some of my Dares anyways because the point of the day was to grow closer together. We ended up having a really bonding and intimate experience that we both really cherish, which led me to writing this post.

” To be Authentically Seen and not Judge Others or Ourselves but to just be a Witness of True Expression.”

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