What does it mean to be a Soul Guide? From our experience, it is anything that assists in your journey of personal expansion and awakening. This is a process that may look unique to each individual but holds within it the same intent: remembering the home within ourselves, others, & the world around us.

As a platform and community with a vision for healing on a collective level, we provide creative solutions and outlets that make this process feel more imaginable. Through a Guided Soul Journey that is specified to suit your individual life force energy, everything becomes infinite.

Get to Know:

Ashlyn Marie | Founder, Artist, Creative Writer, Energetic Healing & Therapy

Ashlyn graduated in 2018 with a BA in Creative Marketing & Business. While working in the customer service industry for over 10 years, a series of traumatic events lead to a major turning point in her life. One that lead to the foundation of Soul Guides, a vision for inspiring healing on a personal and collective scale.

She now devotes her time assisting others through Behavioral Therapy techniques, working closely with a wide variety of client’s and their families. In addition, Ashlyn practices daily energy work – yoga, qigong, & meditation – that began 5 years ago while studying 1,000’s of hours of material on the subject of Holistic Healing. As the co-owner of Soul Guides on Etsy, she has helped hundreds of customers worldwide. With the assistance of her twin sister, Alexis, guiding herself and others to a place of greater Soul freedom has become possible.

Alexis Rose | Creative Director, Artist, Writer, Holistic Healing & Relationships

Alexis is an entrepreneur with a passion for supporting others through a wide variety of artistic and spiritual methods. After completing a Liberal Arts Degree in her hometown of Bismarck, ND, she moved to Arizona to pursue a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies of Psychology and Music.

Moving to a place that differed so vastly from her home of over 18 years, her cultural perspective was awakened. Since then Alexis has completed a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training and Therapeutic Art Life Coach Certification all while maintaining her own devoted personal development practices. In terms of assisting the collective in raising our personal and global vibration, she sees this as just the beginning.

Our Vision

Together, we have partnered to put our individual perspectives & dreams into unified action. Through utilizing and strengthening our own relationship with purposeful practice, we are better able to serve the awakening of our ever-evolving world. Achieving this is done through a variety of intentional methods that we share throughout our website & Soul Guides’ Blog.

Connect with Us

We are so grateful to be a part of your healing journey and would love to connect further. Questions, Business Inquiries, & More are all welcome. Do not hesitate to Contact Us.